
Developer Resources for Building on the Internet Computer

If you're looking to build on the Internet Computer, there are several developer resources available to help you get started. Here are some of the key resources you can explore:

Developer Resources for Building on the Internet Computer

If you're looking to build on the Internet Computer, there are several developer resources available to help you get started. Here are some of the key resources you can explore:

  1. Developer Documentation: The official Internet Computer documentation provides detailed guides, tutorials, and references for building on the platform. You can find information about key concepts, programming models, and API references. The documentation is regularly updated and covers various aspects of developing on the Internet Computer.
  2. SDKs and Libraries: The Internet Computer ecosystem offers software development kits (SDKs) and libraries to simplify the development process. The Motoko SDK is a powerful toolchain specifically designed for developing smart contracts and can be a great starting point. Additionally, the Internet Computer also supports other programming languages like Rust and JavaScript, so you can leverage existing libraries and tools from those ecosystems.
  3. Canister Development: Canisters are the building blocks of applications on the Internet Computer. The official documentation provides guidance on canister development, including topics like canister lifecycle management, inter-canister communication, and deploying canisters on the network. The documentation also covers topics like state management, authentication, and integrating with other Internet Computer services.
  4. Developer Tools: The Internet Computer community has developed a range of tools to support development on the platform. For example, the DFINITY Canister SDK provides a collection of JavaScript libraries for interacting with canisters. You can also find development frameworks like Motoko-based frameworks or Rust-based frameworks that provide additional abstractions and tools to streamline your development process.
  5. Developer Communities: Engaging with the developer community can be immensely valuable. The Internet Computer has an active community of developers who share knowledge, insights, and best practices. Joining platforms like the official Internet Computer Forum, Discord channels, or following relevant blogs and social media accounts can provide you with opportunities to connect with other developers and learn from their experiences.
  6. Tutorials and Sample Code: Apart from the official documentation, there are various tutorials and sample code available that can help you understand different aspects of building on the Internet Computer. These resources often provide step-by-step instructions, code snippets, and practical examples to demonstrate various use cases and development scenarios.

Remember, the Internet Computer is an evolving platform, and new resources and tools may become available over time. Therefore, it's always a good idea to stay updated with the latest announcements, releases, and community discussions to make the most of your development efforts.

IC Developer Blog: DFINITY Developer Kyle Peacock has a helpful blog with tutorials & best practices

  • DFINITY Dev Official Discord: This is the official DFINITY Developer Discord, where experienced developers can help troubleshoot you. You can use #general for general discussion, #find-a-team to find potential team members, #help for general questions, and #debugging for development questions
  • #ask-questions: A Q&A environment for builders that encourages engagement and community interaction. The forum channel allows for a more efficient way to access developer resources
  • Developer Forum: This is the official DFINITY Developer Forum, where you can find previous threads and help troubleshoot technical questions

However, you can easily follow DFINITY on Twitter by visiting their official Twitter page (@dfinity). Once you're on their Twitter profile, you can click on the "Follow" button to start following their updates and announcements.